User Selection, Amplified.

MANU Analytics identifies user quality during the online onboarding, helping companies optimize selection process, cut costs, and reduce risks.

Anyone can look great online, but there is more than meets the eye

We provide insights about users before entering into business relationship

We use AI to translate browsing behavior, form inputs, and interactions into user profiles.

As a result, companies can optimize selection process, focus on high-quality leads, reduce costs, and enhance overall risk assessment.

  Use cases & Benefits

Pre-screening of applications​
Elevate your onboarding process and cut costs using our AI-powered Loan Application Prescreening Service.

Assess potential borrowers in real-time based on form inputs and interactions, allowing for informed decisions before engaging external service providers for identification, data collection, and data verification.

Reduce back office involvement and follow-ups on low-quality candidates, enhancing efficiency and preserving valuable resources.

Value & intent based profiling
We use machine learning to identify higher quality user sessions based on form inputs and high granularity interaction data.

As result you can boost your customer conversion rates and user satisfaction when re-engaging dropped session customers, tailoring onboarding experience, allocating marketing and sales resources more effectively.

Alternative data point
To provide a more comprehensive view of customer risk profiles we train our prediction models on specific loan performance indicators.

This in-depth modelling approach incorporating targets such as late payments at 5 days and 30 days, recovered loans enables better understanding of the risk.

Allows to differentiate pricing and reduce default rates, leading to better-informed lending decisions and improved financial performance.

If that is not what you are looking for, we can extract user & session characteristics that can be embedded into your existing models to improve performance.

Suspicious behavior detection
By analyzing unusual patterns in user behavior we detect fraud and spam to mitigate losses effectively.

Proactively detect and address potential fraudulent activities before they impact your bottom line. 

Identify and filter out spam-related activities, enhancing user experience and safeguarding system integrity. 

Improve overall system security by rapidly identifying and responding to threats. 

Redirect resources from fraud and spam management to core business functions, increasing operational efficiency. 

Protect your reputation and foster customer trust by providing a secure and reliable platform.

Form interaction analytics
Enhance user experience (UX) and boost conversion rates by analyzing user interactions with forms.

Discover pain points in forms that cause user frustration or confusion, and optimize form design based on user behavior insights to streamline the process. 

This approach leads to improved form completion rates, higher customer engagement, and increased conversions. 

By reducing user drop-off and providing a seamless form-filling experience, you can also achieve better customer retention.

Additionally, form interaction insights can inform your marketing strategies, allowing you to tailor campaigns more effectively to customer needs.

Features & Tech stack

Seamless, non-intrusive implementation ensures a smooth UX, capturing essential data without affecting the user journey. 

Real-time response enhances customer acquisition efficiency and reduce costs, while the high granularity data enables precision. 

Data is collected exclusively within the form to maintain user privacy and compliance.

Just a one-line of code for front-end deployment and API for a back-end integration.